Addressing Mediterranean Maritime Challenges

What are the current threats to the shipping industry from cyber criminals? Cybersecurity experts recently displayed how easy it was to break into a ship’s navigational equipment. Despite that, the maritime industry is behind other transportation sectors, such as aerospace, in cybersecurity terms. The maritime industry has recently realized that ships are part of cyberspace. In the last years, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has considered to adopt an appropriate regulation when it comes to cybersecurity. However, development of robust maritime cybersecurity regulations is going to be a slow process. There are several core issues that make cybersecurity for the maritime industry particularly challenging to address.

Giacomo Morabito
Director and founder, Mediterranean Affairs

Paperback Edition clicking here (it, fr, de, es, uk) – Kindle Edition clicking here


  • Paperback: Addressing Mediterranean Maritime Challenges
  • Publisher: Mediterranean Affairs – CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1729809200
  • ISBN-13: 978-1729809204
  • Product Dimensions: 15.6 x 0.3 x 23.4 cm


  • Analysis of the Main Cyber Security Aspects in the Maritime sector (p.5)
    Cyber terms and definitions (p.5)
    Maritime ICT and cyber security (p.9)
    The role of the ‘ship’ and the interactions with the economic and social spheres (p.18)
  • Shipping and Cyber Risk: Legal Considerations (p.21)
    The international “legal” framework (p.24)
    Cyber risk and contractual terms: shipowner’s seaworthiness duty (p.28)
    An insurance perspective (p.33)
    Conclusion (p.37)
  • The Maritime Cyber Security Dimension in the Mediterranean Region (p.40)
    Three Dimensions of the Maritime Cyber Security (p.41)
    Applying the Framework: Identification of the main threats in the Mediterranean Context (p.50)
    Integrating Mediterranean Sea Cyber Security Within EU security strategies: Strengths and Weaknesses (p.55)
    Conclusion (p.67)
  • Conclusions (p.69)
  • References (p.73)
  • About the Authors (p.82)