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COP22 in Marrakech: an Interlocutory Conference after Paris
Making the voices of the most vulnerable countries to climate change heard, in particular African countries and…
The Tricky Libyan Scenario: Energy Interests, Terrorism and Political…
Over the last five years, the country has increasingly drifted towards the destiny of a failed state, putting the…
The Egyptian Security Complex and Lybia’s slow pace transition
Libya's internal chaos
Libya's downward spiral towards disaster does not seem to come to an end. As the security…
Is Libya doomed to become the new Somalia on the Mediterranean?
When in February 2011 peaceful pro-democracy protests broke out in Libya, the Gaddafi government responded with…
Shadows on Tunisian democracy
Since 2011, despite the violence and the continuous social tensions, a new constitution was promulgated in 2014 and…
Ennahda Transition: from Islamism to secularism?
In its latest congress, the most discussed Tunisian political party Ennahda has surprised the public opinion. In…
The Changing Face of the Moroccan Jihadism
Since the 70s, Morocco has reasonably been considered a Western-friendly state in a North African geopolitical…
US policy after the Arab Spring: what role in the Southern Mediterranean area?
A significant episode in international affairs since 9/11, which changed permanently the Middle East is the Arab…
Tunisian olive oil, a tool to fight terrorism?
The last few years have been challenging for Tunisia. Many changes have characterized the country after the Arab…
Libya, the UN-brokered unity government between skepticism and hope
Libya's humanitarian plight, political divisions, and growing vulnerability are evident and the urgency to take a…