Browsing Category
Turkey and European Union: will it be a happy ending?
The accession of Turkey to the European Union seems to be an endless process. In 1999, the European Union…
The role of Amman in the Middle East crisis
Jordan seems to have gone unscathed through the motions of the Arab Spring, but the events inside the Middle East…
Italy and Egypt: terrorism, economy and immigration
(In collaboration with Termometro Politico)
The Italian trip of the President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi,…
Attacks in Israel: innocent blood on the streets of Jerusalem
(In collaboration with Termometro Politico)
Clashes under the sky of Jerusalem. Once again the city is theatre…
EU measures against European Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq
In a recent report, the UN states that the number of foreign fighters (FFs) that have flowed to Iraq and Syria to…
Solving the Cyprus problem: the message from the last European summit
Nowadays, Cyprus is the only country in Europe still divided by a wall that establishes the ethnic, political and…
Syria, a noiseless conflict
(In collaboration with Termometro Politico)
After three years, the civil war still overwhelms Syria into a…
Lebanon between internal and international pressures
Fights between armed groups continue to tear Lebanon, a land which has been continuously witnessing resurgence of…
Attacks in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula: political roots and current…
On 24th October, Egypt was hit by two terrorist attacks in the Sinai Peninsula which caused the death of at least…
Why arming peshmerga is not so useful, and maybe it will be dangerous
Before starting, it is necessary to make a few clarifications to the argument. There are no reasons to be against…