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EU Strategy for the Middle East Peace Process
EU role in the Middle East peace process
The pitfalls of the European Union (EU) policy towards the Middle East…
Where are labour market policies going in the aftermath of the EU economic crisis?…
The flexicurity welfare state model experienced a boost in the aftermath of the economic crisis that interested EU…
Energy policy: European Union vs Member States
The European Union has been facing for years hard and crucial challenges concerning the energy sector: on the one…
Brexit: the lose/lose impact on the European security
It is quite a difficult task to understand and therefore to explain the degree of complexity the United Kingdom…
Tunisian olive oil, a tool to fight terrorism?
The last few years have been challenging for Tunisia. Many changes have characterized the country after the Arab…
NATO and Montenegro, a new discussed membership
The enlargement of NATO is a process that allows a new member state to join NATO. The process is regulated by the…
Greece, an alignment of crisis
"Greece will surprise you in 2016," these are the words of Prime Minister Tsipras during the Davos forum of last…
The Giant Fall. A deeper analysis of the European crisis
Today the European Union (EU) is most probably going through its darkest hours. The Union is inconsistently…
ICTY, judge of a war without end
On January 27, 1945, during the offensive directed against Berlin, the Soviet Armed Forces unveiled for the first…
Morocco and EU, a business alliance or Mediterranean disorders?
After the revolutionary waves that affected the Arab world in 2011, the European Union has immediately taken the…