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Israel-Palestine: what perspectives after the Fatah-Hamas agreement?
“If there is ever to be an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement the Palestinians must be united”, it is up to Mahmoud Abbas to ensure that the unit does not…
The water factor. Hydro-geopolitical tensions in the Mediterranean – part 1
Thousands have lived without love, not one without water (W.H. AUDEN) Introduction Water is life. Quoting Barbara Kingsolver, it is “the world’s…
Spanish Monarchy: The abdication of King Juan Carlos raises Spaniards hopes up for a Republican…
After the delicate phase of transition from a dictatorship into a modern democracy, Spain is now facing a new crucial challenge for the future of its…
EU Parliament election: skeptics boom may open to an intergroup alliance
The Group of the European People’s Party (EPP) won once again the majority in the European Parliament. With an overall turnout of 43,09%, European citizens…
A Brief Glimpse into Syria’s Sectarian Violence and Proxy War
The regional power struggle between Shias and Sunnis is evident throughout the Middle East. This conflict dates back more than a thousand years and stems…
Libya calls for the Sufi mediation of Sanusiyya
The March 25th public statements of Libyan Foreign Minister, Moḥamed Abdelaziz, while attending a preparatory meeting for the 25th summit of the Arab League…
Algeria’s presidential elections: a fourth mandate for Abdelaziz Bouteflika
Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the Algerian president who has already been in power for 15 years, won a fourth term in the April presidential elections. The 77-years…
Toshka Project or from the ‘Fourth Pyramid’ to an incomplete cathedral in the desert
A fragile equilibrium of seasonal floods and silt was at the basis of the ancient Egyptian agriculture. Such equilibrium accompanied the heirs of the ancient…
“Let them drown!”. Five thousand landings in a week and reception centres in turmoil, EU’s…
Following the terrible shipwreck of last October, the Italian Government has launched Mare Nostrum Operation, a military and humanitarian rescue instrument…
The Egyptian threat environment and the Suez Canal
The demonstrations in Tahrir Square after the ousting of Mohammad Morsi have evolved into the creation of numerous terrorist organizations. These groups…