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Let me be your Big Brother. Freedom in the time of Edward Snowden – part 1
(Part 1) What is Freedom? Doubtless, it is one of the most relevant and controversial subject in the history of philosophy and political thought. It affects…
Libya: no economy without stability
The ouster of Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi is a rupture point in the history of Libya. After this important event, the situation in this country is deteriorating…
The Geneva II Talks and the Syrian civil war assessing the EU common foreign policy
The Geneva II talks, aimed at implementing the homonymous Communiqué, have recently finished without either a definitive or satisfying outcome for all the…
A possible agreement on the Mavi Marmara affair: a revival of Turkish-Israeli relations?
On February, 9th Mr. Ahmet Davutoğlu, Turkey’s Foreign Minister, referred in an interview to a Turkish television about the possible and imminent closure of…