Almost five years ago on December 18, 2010, the Arab Spring began in Tunisia with the Jasmine Revolution. That was the promising starting point for pushing…
Violation of cultural norms and inter-Arabic violence has demonstrated that Pan-Arabism is no longer considerable as a viable option. Despite this, amongst…
The French elections held in December left the European political environment with a big question mark about the future of the presidential appointment,…
For the first time since the restoration of democracy in 1977, Spaniards wake up with a completely changed parliament and with the possibility for a new way…
How is the EU dealing with the issue of migration in the Mediterranean basin? What is the citizens’ perception of the migration crisis and of the policies…
In the last few years, Turkish politics have been characterized by a certain degree of instability and some contradictions. After the Arab Spring, Recep…
After more than two years of parliamentary hiatus, Egyptians have been finally called to choose their new legislative representatives, thereby making the…
The terrorist attacks in France and Tunisia on June 26th renewed the threat of Islamic fundamentalism in the Euro-Mediterranean area. The facts are too…
(In collaboration with Termometro Politico)
On the evening of June 6th, the polls and a political era in Turkey came to an end. With only 41% of the votes,…