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Weekly News

September 1st – 5th

Monday, 1st September 2014 LIBYA –  Libya's elected Parliament, the House of Representatives, has asked Abdullah al-Thinni to form a new caretaker…

August 25th – 29th

Monday, August 25, 2014 LIBYA - US officials claim the United Arab Emirates and Egypt were behind several air strikes on Islamist militias in Libya last…

August 18th – 22nd

Monday, August 18, 2014 IRAQ - Kurdish officials will take part in negotiations on forming a new Iraqi government, the outgoing foreign minister, Hoshiyar…

July 21st – 25th

Monday, July 21 UN/ISRAEL/GAZA STRIP - The United Nations Security Council will hold an emergency meeting late Sunday on the situation in Gaza, where the…

July 14th – 18th

Monday, July 14 2014 US/IRAN The US secretary of state, John Kerry, and Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian foreign minister have had a “serious and…

July 7th – 11th

Monday, July 7 2014 EUROPE Cecilia Malmstrom,the EU Home Affairs Commissioner said that Europe had accepted fewer than 100,000 Syrian refugees, and all EU…

June 30th – July 4th

Monday, June 30 2014   ITALY On Monday 30 bodies were found in a forward area of a boat during a rescue operation off Sicily coast .The immigrants apparently…

June 23th – 27th

Monday, June 23 2014 EGYPT Peter Greste, Mohamed Fahmy, two Al Jazeera journalist were sentenced by an Egypt court to seven years in prison and Baher Mohamed…

June 16th – 20th

Monday, June 16 2014   UKRAINE/RUSSIA - After a dispute between the two nations over unpaid bills and after Kiev had missed a Monday morning deadline to…

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