Migration flows in Mediterranean Sea. Balkan route and juridical point of view

The international migration flows are continuous and incessant and in a globalized world where the imbalance between “North” and “South” is becoming more acute. In general, a type of flow is made up of the quotas of “in transit” population which represent a substantial part of migration flows, partly irregular. Those people often stop at intermediate points of migration even for long periods. For example, European countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, including Italy, Spain, Greece and Malta have been the favorite destinations of these movements. The flows are coming from the Maghreb, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia both by sea and by land along the Balkan route. A large number of people, belonging to the category of refugee and asylum seeker, have a special protection because they escape from war zones and, above all during the last four years, from the Syrian one.

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The new route of migration is the Balkans
– Introduction
– The motivations behind the Balkan route
– The reactions of the countries involved
– Conclusions
International and EU Legal systems on migration
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