The Increased Flow of non-EU Immigrants to Sicily and the Rise of the Far Right in the Island

[…] In the last twenty years, Sicily has witnessed a constant influx of non-EU immigrants arriving from Africa and Asia (IDOS, 2011). This Island became the doorway to Europe for thousands of African and Asian migrants, regularly embarking on dangerous voyages from the North African shores to the South Sicilian Island of Lampedusa, across the Sicilian Channel (ibid). A great deal of people perished during these dangerous crossings: in the last 20 years 20,000 immigrants died, and the death toll is still rising (ISMU 2014). The ones who manage to arrive in Lampedusa are given aid in a constantly overcrowded centre; this is due to the number of migrants regularly exceeding the legal capacity of the centre (Andrijasevic 2006, p.122). Subsequently, the migrants either remain in Sicily or continue their journey elsewhere. […]

Giuseppe Maio

MA in Political Science, University of Manchester

Paperback Edition clicking here – Kindle Edition clicking here


  • Paperback: 62 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1535535557
  • ISBN-13: 978-1535535557 
  • Product Dimensions: 15.6 x 0.3 x 23.4 cm


  • Introduction (p.3)
  • Migrations to Sicily (p.6)
  • The far right in Sicily (p.11)
  • Methods (p.16)
  • Findings (p.19)
  • Conclusion (p.31)
  • References (p.33)
  • Appendix – Sicilian Socio-Political Attitudes (p.40)
  • About the Author (p.58)

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