Monarchical adaptive capacities

Why the Arab Springs generated changes in the Republican regimes and did not affect regional monarchies? 

What are generally called “Arab Springs” include a wide range of events aimed at undermining the status quo. As a matter of fact, what happened in Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Morocco, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Syria did not origin from a single cause, instead the events occurred in these countries have their own precise histories. The Egyptian and the Tunisian Republic experienced a change in their political regimes, in Libya, Syria and Yemen three civil wars broke out, conflicts still ongoing. On the opposite side, Moroccan, Jordanian and Bahraini monarchies were able to maintain their institutional structure and the status quo.

Why the monarchies displayed such a high resilience capacity? According to many scholars, monarchies have an institutional element, which make them able to hang on. Other authors state it is due to a cultural factor. Who is right? The aim of this essay is to answer these questions.

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Monarchical adaptive capacities
The cultural approach: do Islamic monarchies still collapse?
The institutional element: the capacity to implement reforms
Decisive elements: resources and protection
About the Author

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