Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) is a strategic element of the European Union policy. It consists on the building of economic and political relations among two…
“The Balkans have become an area of crucial interest for the internationalization strategies of foreign companies, extraterritorial investments and banks,…
Why the Arab Springs generated changes in the Republican regimes and did not affect regional monarchies?
What are generally called “Arab Springs” include a…
The creation of European Maritime Security Strategy (EUMSS) led to a revival of the role of the sea seen as a strategic and economical optimum area. The…
On May 17th many events all over the world celebrated IDAHOT: the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. This particular date was…
In recent years, the jihadist scene has witnessed a challenging shift either in aims and necessary tools to achieve them. Furthermore, the West is facing a…
For Crimea, it has been a little more than a year since it was annexed, or as it is called by Russia, the reunification of it's land. As Crimea fights to…
"Spring". The term has been used to identify the recent turmoils happened in the Arab world, but it is quite reductive. Indeed, it is wrong. It is now more…
The term "neighbours of our neighbours" was first officially introduced in a communication by the European Commission in 2006 on "strengthening the!-->…
The dossier ‘In the chaos of Libya’ is aimed at presenting and explaining the current crisis which has been affecting Libya since the end of the Qaddafi…