Over the past two months, the major newspapers of the world have devoted particular attention to one of the cornerstones on which General al-Sisi's regime…
In the last quarter of 2015 there are still some major political problems ahead of Turkey. How did Turkey’s international ambitions fall apart? It’s a…
In 2015, Kosovar authorities found 232 individuals engaged with jihadist activities connected with the Daesh threat. Many of them were fighters during the…
The main purpose of this paper to underline the importance that remittances can have on the country of origin and on destination countries in particular.…
“Escape from Syria”, a suggestive title, apparently as a warning or a description of what millions of people have begun to do as the revolution became the…
Israel and Palestine are back on the political scene in the Middle East. Palestinians’ protests have been trigged by an action of the security forces on the…
The international migration flows are continuous and incessant and in a globalized world where the imbalance between "North" and "South" is becoming more…
The contribution hereby presented was initially aimed at reporting on the results of Turkish general elections and the perspectives ahead. Nonetheless, the…